If you are looking for a piercing, Rochester NY based Rochester Tattoo & Piercing Co. offers the most comprehensive Piercing Services in NY! We have the most friendly and knowledgeable pierces you can find. We will do any kind of piercing you want: here is a list of some of the more common piercings.
Pierced Ear – Today having an ear pierced is generally done as a form of decoration or body art. The ear can be pierced in many areas, weather its the earlobes or the cartilage.
Eyebrow Piercing – Originally these were seen mostly on the edge of the eyebrow, it has become popular as of late to pierce anywhere along the edge of the eyebrow. It is also common to have multiple piercings on the same eyebrow.
Piercings in Facial tissue – Throughout history, there have been many instances of facial piercings. They are most often seen in the nose and lips however that envelope has been pushed in recent years.
Navel Piercing – Of all the body piercings, this is by far the most common. Part of the reason these piercings have seen such a growth in popularity is popular culture.
Nipple Piercing -Typically these piercings are places at the base of the nipple. Nipple-piercing has been a fashion statement since the 14th century. Mainstream popularity for nipple piercings is mostly a result of celebrities in the 1990’s who both publicly displayed and or confessed to having these particular piercings.
Tongue Piercing– Piercing the tongue is usually done by going directly through the dead center of the tongue. After the ear and nose, the tongue is the most popular piercing in western culture.
Our Studio: Piercing Rochester NY
We use autoclave sterilization and single use disposable needles to ensure optimum cleanliness. Not only will we help you with your piercing, but our skilled staff will individually fit each piece of body jewelry just for you, this ensures comfort as well as beauty.
Remember we are a gun free piercer and as always, No Appointment Necessary to get your piercing Rochester NY
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